More and Better Leaders
Leading alone is hard but finding coleaders can be even harder. How do you find leaders when no one in your group is ready to lead?!? In this breakout we will share a few practical ideas to address this challenge and share why there is hope that you’ll eventually have all the leaders you need.
New Leader Breakout (Fall 2019)
If you are a new leader or if this is the first Group Leader Training event you've attended, you should attend this breakout. We'll go over the responsibilities and requirements of leading as well as the practical nitty gritty of leading your group each week.
Delegate #LikeTheBoss
What if sharing participation is less about delegating and more about the heart of the delegator? What if leadership-level spiritual transformation is dependent upon stewardship of equipping group members more than "doing" for group members? Join us for an interactive time of studying the ministry of Christ and learning how our Redeemer can reorient the worship of our hearts to transform how and why we share participation.
In God We Trust?
It’s one thing to say we trust God, it’s another thing to live as if we do. Is it possible that it’s easier to trust God with our eternity than in the day- to-day? If so, what keeps us from trusting God, and how do we grow to trust Him more? In this breakout we’ll wrestle with this tension and give practical tips to help us to authentically say, “In God we trust.”
New Leader Breakout (Fall 2018)
If you are a new leader or have yet to attend a Group Leader Training event, this breakout is for you. We’ll go over the responsibilities and requirements of leading as well as the practical nitty gritty of leading your group each week.
Increasing Your Personal Desire To Pursue Christ
If you’ve ever found yourself at a place where your desire to pursue Christ was not all it should be (or maybe you’re there right now), you’re not alone. We’ll discover why this is actually a fairly common experience in the life of a believer, and some practical ways to set desire for Christ in motion.
The Best Thing I Ever Did To Grow Spiritually
Everyone is wired differently, but there are struggles we all have in common. Do you ever feel like the time you spend in God’s Word isn’t helpful? Do you ever feel like you’re “wandering” through your reading, and just trying to focus for more than a few seconds? This breakout won’t fix those problems. But it will introduce you to the tool that changed the game for me - it’s the most important part of my spiritual growth process, and this breakout will lay out WHY it’s awesome for me, and HOW you could get started with it.
Why Technology Is Irresistible (And How You Can Resist It)
What are the top five companies in the world? Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. All five cooperate with one goal in mind - stealing your time and attention. Why is technology so addictive? How can we push back and find the time, energy and space for what truly matters?
What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do
Ever been there? You don’t know what to do. How do God’s will and God’s glory play into your decision making? Join us to find out.
How To Have "The Talk:" Overcoming Dread and Delay of Crucial Conversations
We will share tools and approaches that prepare for emotionally charged conversations. We will introduce strategies to transform anger and hurt feelings into powerful dialogue, making it safe to talk about almost anything. We will share ways to be persuasive without being abrasive.
The Why, Who, and How of Discipling One
Do you have the desire to disciple others but are not sure how to start, or who to start with? Whether you are a new group leader or a seasoned veteran, this breakout will better equip you to intentionally and effectively begin to disciple one person, for God's glory, their good, and your joy!
Tough One: Handling the Person Who Refuses to Change
Admit it! There are times as a leader you are frustrated with an individual who you feel you've poured loads of energy and attention into, but who doesn't seem particularly interested in changing. What is a leader to do with these individuals in their group? And what are the expectations on you as a leader for dealing with them? In this breakout we will explore how to handle those who show little or no progress in their spiritual lives.
New Leaders Breakout
If you are a new leader or have yet to attend a Group Leader Training event, this breakout is for you. We'll go over the responsibilities and requirements of leading as well as the practical nitty gritty of leading your group each week.
Reaching One: How to Find and Keep New People
How do you find new people for your group? How do you get them to attend? If they do attend, how do you get them to stick? We will attempt to answer those questions in this breakout.Description
How To Motivate Literally Anyone - Including Yourself
We will help you identify which of the four tendencies we all fall into. What are the challenges presented by each type? What drives and motivates each kind of person? How can we overcome our own obstacles? We'll share some brand new insights to lead, equip and challenge all the people in our groups.
Groupology - 5 Theological Truths Group Leaders Should Have Down Cold
Theology can be an intimidating topic, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, to be an effective group leader, there are just some pieces of doctrine that are indispensable. In this breakout we'll take a look at five of the most crucial theological concepts anyone seeking to care for others simply must understand.
Discipleship - 5 Principles That May Forever Change The Way You Do Groups
How do you disciple the people God has placed in your group? What is God's design for community group life and growth? Join us as we look at 5 discipleship principles and practices to help your group not only grow but THRIVE!
4 Phases of A Healthy Multiplication
We've seen 107 group multiplications over the 11 years Community Groups have existed at Northridge Church. In this breakout we will unload everything we've been able to learn to help your current or next multiplication thrive!
How To Address Unhealthy Dating Relationships
What do you do when someone in your group makes a bad relationship decision? Whether it is dating an unbeliever, living with their boyfriend, sleeping with their girlfriend, or dating while in the process of getting a divorce. This breakout will give you a Biblical framework for how to think about these issues and practical steps on how to carefully address them with the members of your group.