This is the first week of the Spring Group Trimester. If you have not met over the break, you may want to focus more on catching up personally and helping each other get acquainted with the online meeting platform. If you have been meeting through the break, this is a great opportunity to return to some “normalcy” and dive into the sermon discussion questions.
In addition to the sermon discussion questions you’ll find links below to help your group get setup to meet online, as well as resources to review growth goals and the group agreement.
2020.04.12 - Drew Karschner - "Unfiltered Pursuit"
After rising from the dead, Jesus had a long conversation with two men who didn't recognize Him. They had heard Jesus’s tomb was empty, but they didn't believe He was alive. At the end of their conversation, they realized that not only was Jesus alive, but they were talking to Him. In their amazement, they ran seven miles back to Jerusalem to share the news with everyone. Is it possible the resurrected Jesus has been talking to you but you have missed Him? If you have met Him, are you responding as if you haven't?
Luke 24:13-35