A Church That Cares Beyond Its Walls
Recommended questions are highlighted in bold, but select 5 or 6 questions you think will work best for your group discussion. You likely won’t have time to discuss all of the questions so choose which questions you will ask ahead of time and make sure to provide plenty of time to focus on the application questions.
Feel free to edit or reword questions to best fit your group.
You may want to print out copies of this document for everyone so they can follow along with the questions as you read them.
Check out this Facilitation Guide for tips on leading good discussions.
Lifting Partners
2020.07.26 - Matt Snyder - "Lifting Partners"
What do we do when life gets hard for the people around us? Do we feel compassion, or are we skeptical? What stands in the way of us being people who truly carry each other's burdens?
Galatians 6:1-5
Those Needy People
2017.07.23 - Scott Bixby - "Solutions That Stick"
We all struggle with needy people in our lives. We find ourselves either running from them or appeasing them over and over again. In this talk we focus on how we can create some solutions for our needy friends that will stick.
Hebrews 10:24-25