2019.12.22 - Drew Karschner - "Ouch!"
Bathsheba’s story is full of turmoil and difficult circumstances. Her life wasn’t one that most of us would volunteer to live, but in the midst of her circumstances God had a plan to bring hope to all our hopeless situations.
2 Samuel 11
The Fight For Your Rights
2019.12.15 - Drew Karschner - "The Fight For Your Rights"
Tamar’s life was hard. She lost two husbands and was abused by her father-in-law. With all that life threw her way, her story helps us wrestle with how we can cling to hope and fight for what’s right when life is hard.
Genesis 38
Spying On Your Future
2019.12.08 - Drew Karschner - "Spying Your Future"
We all have a past, but that past doesn't have to define our future. Rahab had a messy past, but her belief and faith in the rumors of God changed her future. And not just her future, but it can change all of our futures as well.
Joshua 2