Relationships Matter

2021.01.10 - Drew Karschner - "Relationships Matter" Quarantine is awful - but why? If 2020 taught us nothing else, we can all agree that the need for face-to-face connections was powerfully on display. Once isolation kicks in, bad things can happen. In this message, we’ll explore the relationship-centered lessons that we learned from lockdown in 2020. Genesis 2:18


2020.11.29 - Matt Snyder - "Reminders" When we inevitably face hardship in life, it becomes easy to question whether God really has our best interests in mind. We aren't the first people to have these questions, and while the answer isn't always easy, taking a look at God's track record in similar situations can help to bring us some much needed perspective when life seems to be crashing down around us. Psalm 77 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

Now and Later

2020.11.22 - Drew Karschner - "Now and Later" Every one of us has influence, but are we a good influence? As we wrap up this series on the life of Moses, we’ll learn how we can maximize our influence for the good of others. Exodus 18:13-22 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

The Downfall

This is the last week of the Fall Community Group Trimester.

This is a great week to discuss with each other how you have each progressed in your spiritual growth over the last 10 weeks. The Growth Goals button above provides a list of growth goals each group member can take. If Group members didn’t make a goal this fall, or still need to make progress, they can recommit or make new growth goals for the Holiday break.

As your group wraps up for the Fall Trimester, this would also be a good time to ask your group for feedback on how your group went this fall and hear any suggestions for how to make it better as we plan for our Winter Trimester.

2020.11.15 - Drew Karschner - "The Downfall" Have you ever wondered if God was really going to provide like He said He would? Maybe you decided to solve the problem or provide for yourself. After serving God for 40 years, Moses failed to believe that God’s will was best and took matters into his own hands rather than waiting for God. In this sermon, we’ll look at Moses’s actions and God’s response. Numbers 13 & 20 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

Top 10

2020.11.08 - Daniel White - "Top 10" Why did God give so many rules for His people to follow and are you supposed to follow all those rules? Check out this message to find out. Exodus 19:3-6 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

Our Daily Bread

2020.11.01 - Aaron Hixson - "Our Daily Bread" At times in the story of Israel, it seems like all they did is complain about what they need, and wish things were different than they were. Yet God continues to provide for them, even in miraculous ways. But what was God up to in all that complaining? What is He doing in our lives as he works to provide for our needs? In this message we'll see how God's provision is never just about what we need, it's about who he wants us to be. Exodus 15:22-17:7 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

The Exodus

2020-10-25 - Drew Karschner - "The Exodus" Are you stuck in a crisis with no foreseeable way out? Have the cold hard facts of life removed any hope for your future? What do you do when your back is against the wall, and there seems to be no way out? God's people have been here before, and we can learn from their experience as we explore the story of Moses, Israel, and their exodus from Egypt. Exodus 12-14 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

God vs gods

We are encouraging each group to celebrate Communion this week in their group. Instructions are provided in the 2nd page of the sermon discussion questions below.

Make sure you prepare for each person to have their own bread and juice.

In light of COVID-19 limitations, you could do this a couple ways:

  1. Each person can bring their own juice or bread.

  2. Bring individual juice boxes and dinner rolls so each person can have their own.

2020.10.18 - Drew Karschner - "God vs. gods" God often uses incredibly difficult circumstances to change his people. Although it may have been hard to see while they were going through it, God used 10 plagues to grow Moses’ leadership, change Pharaoh's heart, and give us a glimpse of Jesus’ death on the cross. Exodus 6-12 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

The Transfer of Power

2020.10.11 - Drew Karschner - "The Transfer of Power" Our society values discipline and hard work. We are told that "hard work pays off", that "practice makes perfect", or that "the difference is in the preparation". But what if all of our years of education, skill development, or resume building have all ended in failure? What do you do when your hard work is not working? As we take a look at the life of Moses, we'll discover where the difference really lies. Exodus 3:2-15 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

An Early Advantage

2020.10.04 - Drew Karschner - "An Early Advantage" Has God ever fallen short of your hopes or expectations? Maybe you expected God to provide for you, but as far as you can tell, He didn’t. In this message, we'll begin our series examining the life of Moses, and we'll wrestle with what we should do when God is silent. Exodus 1 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

The Father's Example

2020.09.27 - Drew Karschner - "The Father’s Example" Has your life turned so drastically that returning to God seems impossible? Has your relationship with God grown numb and distant? Maybe you even question if your faith was ever genuine. As we wrap up our series from Luke 15, we'll discover hope when we feel too far gone. Luke 15 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!


If this is your first meeting, you may want to just spend this week catching up and discussing your groups plans for this trimester, especially if your group plans will look different than a typical trimester.

This week the Sermon Discussion questions also includes a beginning of trimester discussion guide to help make sure your group members are all on the same page.

2020.09.20 - Drew Karschner - "Self-Salvation" On the outside, those who rebel against God appear to be much different than those who remain faithful and devoted to their faith. But could it be that the rebellious and the religious are both pursuing the same destructive path? As we take a look at Luke 15 we'll wrestle with where we might be headed down the wrong path, and where we can find hope to return home. Luke 15 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

Which Brother Are You?

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, and overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

You may also want to just spend this week catching up and discussing your groups plans for this trimester, especially if your group plans will look different than a typical trimester.

2020.09.13 - Drew Karschner - "Which Brother Are You?" When reading the story about the two brothers in Luke 15, most of us focus our attention on the rebellious son who spends his inheritance and returns home empty-handed, rather than considering the self-righteous son who thinks he is better than his brother. When we look closely at the lives of these two brothers, which one can you most identify with? Luke 15

Once Divided, Now United

2020.09.06 - Drew Karschner - "Once Divided, Now United" All it takes is a quick conversation, scrolling through social media, or turning on the news to realize that people are divided on so many topics. Even though many of these subjects are very important, is division what God wants and calls us to? How can our church become more united to fight sin and darkness together? 1 Corinthians 1: 10-12 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!

The Power of Story

2020.08.30 - Nate Miller - "The Power of Story" Invite is one of the most important parts of living Pi2, yet can it feel like the hardest part. How and what does "invite" look like? How can we have confidence in inviting people to take steps towards God? In this message we hope to answer all of those questions! Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!