The Right Relationships
When Losing Means Winning - Colossians 3:18-4:1
The Path To Understanding
What Matters Most: Relationships
This is the last week of the Winter Community Group Trimester (Ending March 19th).
You may want to take sometime this week or next week to discuss your groups plans for the Spring Trimester (Beginning April 3rd).
You may also want to take some time to review the growth goals you set at the beginning of this trimester and encourage each other in your progress.
Here are 2 other ways to connect with and encourage growth in your group members.
Attend an upcoming Equip class with them.
Attend the Night of Worship at our Rochester Campus on Sunday evening, March 27th.
How Can I Change? Part 2 - Community
Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, growth goal ideas, and an overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.
You may also want to just spend this week catching up and discussing your groups plans for this trimester, especially if your group plans will look different than a typical trimester.
As you regather with your group, take 20-30 minutes together to open the box and explore opportunities to serve together. We've received a lot of positive feedback about the experience.
After you open the box, make sure to go to to take your next step.
Relationships Matter
2021.01.10 - Drew Karschner - "Relationships Matter"
Quarantine is awful - but why? If 2020 taught us nothing else, we can all agree that the need for face-to-face connections was powerfully on display. Once isolation kicks in, bad things can happen. In this message, we’ll explore the relationship-centered lessons that we learned from lockdown in 2020.
Genesis 2:18
Don't Miss The Moment
2020.04.26 - Drew Karschner - "Don't Miss the Moment"
Our lives are often busy and distracted, and unfortunately we miss out on investing in the relationships that God puts before us. From the people we meet once in a coffee shop, to friends, co-workers, neighbors, and even our closest family members, how can we be giving them our full attention and investing in them like eternity depends on it?
Ephesians 5
Is This Real LIfe?
I Can't See It
If you have not had a chance to set some Growth Goals for the Community Group trimester, make sure to do that with your Community Group this week. There are some growth goal ideas included in the sermon discussion questions or you can’t print the list HERE and bring it to group. Set a goal, write it down, and ask each other about it through the trimester. It is one of the simplest ways of encouraging growth and seeing progress.
2019.01.27 - Drew Karschner - "I Can't See It"
Division can be a tricky thing. We have a tendency to focus on the implications of our division and not the root of that division. If we want to understand why we are divided, it starts by understanding where division truly comes from.
Galatians 5
Finger Pointing
At the end of the discussion questions this week there is an application question encouraging each group member to write down a growth goal for this trimester to share in their prayer group.
Make sure to bring 3x5 cards or something for them to write down their growth goal.
2017.09.24 - Drew Karschner - "Finger Pointing"
Whether you're dating or married, navigating relationships can be very difficult. We often blame each other for our problems, which can cause fights and even break ups. This week we’re looking to break the myth “it's not my fault” and learning to take responsibility for the part we play in relationships.
Genesis 3:8-13