
Overcoming Guilt and Shame

Talking about guilt and shame can very heavy and difficult to discuss.

One of our Group Leader Essentials is modeling authenticity. The more vulnerable we can be, the more open our group members will be.

Our prayer is that group discussion and prayer times would give many in our church a safe place to share their hurts, guilt, and shame. But many will not feel safe enough to share anything below surface struggles.

Offer to be available to talk with group members privately if they would like to discuss their situation in a safer environment. Discussing deep guilt and pain in front of more than one person may be too difficult.

If someone shares a difficult situation with you that needs more guidance, please reach out to your Community Group Coach or Campus Pastor.

Resource on leading your group to share authentically:

  • How open should we expect our group members to actually be with each other?

  • Where is the line between sharing openly and sharing too much?

  • What barriers keep us from being real?

  • How do we create an atmosphere where people feel safe enough to share what is really going on?

In this talk Jason DeGraaff and Brad Files address these questions and share how as group leaders we can live out Group Leader Essential #4 - Modeling Authenticity.

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Navigating the Darkness of Depression

As you facilitate discussion this week, focus more on getting everyone sharing than getting through the questions.

If someone is struggling, take time to listen to them, and restrain from giving much advice. Let them feel heard.

If you encounter someone considering self-harm, please call:

  • The national crisis hotline is: 988

  • The local crisis hotline: 585-275-8686

Reach out to your Coach or Campus Pastor for further support.

Breaking Free From Lust

This Sunday’s message about lust is a significant issue in our culture and in the church. It is not something just our Community Group members struggle with. Group leaders struggle with this too.

Be honest about your own current and past struggles with lust. The more vulnerable you are, the more freedom both you and your group members will experience as you step out of darkness into light.

Make sure to give the largest portion of your discussion time to personal application in prayer time with the men and women.

Together we may find healing in community, where we can be truly known and loved!

Turning Problems into Peace In Your Relationships

If You didn’t get a chance last week to cast vision for your group by talking about the purpose of groups (Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each other), vision (to invite others and multiply in the future), volunteer schedules, and the group agreement, you’ll find those included in this weeks discussion questions.

If you didn’t get a chance to set growth goals last week, be sure to take some time in your group to do that this week.

Identity Crisis

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, growth goal ideas, and an overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

This is a great time to remind your group of why we do groups (Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each Other) and that we are not just meeting for ourselves, but we want to invite others into our Community Groups.

You may also want to just spend this week catching up and discussing your groups plans for this trimester, especially if your group plans will look different than a typical trimester.