
Breaking Free From Lust

This Sunday’s message about lust is a significant issue in our culture and in the church. It is not something just our Community Group members struggle with. Group leaders struggle with this too.

Be honest about your own current and past struggles with lust. The more vulnerable you are, the more freedom both you and your group members will experience as you step out of darkness into light.

Make sure to give the largest portion of your discussion time to personal application in prayer time with the men and women.

Together we may find healing in community, where we can be truly known and loved!

Run For Your Life

This is the second week of our 7-week Spring Trimester. The next several weeks are covering some heavy topics (Depression, Lust, and Pride). If you or your group members would like more help as you work through these issues, be sure to go to to sign up for a growth plan each week.

We always encourage each group to set Growth Goals at the beginning of the trimester, and then keep each other accountable with your progress over the next few months. This trimester, your group could work on memorizing scripture together, using the verse cards we’ll be providing each week. You might consider using some of your prayer time each week to recite the passages together.

If you have further questions or need help with anything, be sure to reach out to your Groups Coach.

Designer Sex

2017.10.01 - Drew Karschner - "Designer Sex" Sex is all around us; it’s in magazines, movies, tv shows, and many advertisements. Our culture has simplified sex into a physical act, but it was designed for so much more. God created sex to establish intimacy in our marriages. The question is how do we get back to that kind of sex? 1 Corinthians 6:16-20