Details on All-Play Money Group Discussion for Next Trimester

Save The Date

Winter Community Group Trimester

  • January 12 - March 15 (9 Weeks)

Re:Group Leader Kickoff

  • February 2, 5:00pm-6:30pm (Dinner & Childcare Provided)

Theme: "Known"

  • How do we get our group members to drop the mask, be honest about who they are, and how they are really doing?

  • We want to lead our groups to be a safe place for people to be known for who they are not for who they project to be.

  • Until we drop the mask, we'll never experience true community.

All-Play FPU Group Discussion

February 16th - March 9th, we'll be doing a 4-week sermon series called "Money Matters."

This is not a giving initiative for Northridge. We are not focusing on raising money for our church.

This series is designed to teach our church Biblical principles on money management.

88% of American's have significant struggles with money.

Because this is such a huge issue in our culture, we would like all Community Groups to address this topic during the 4-week series.

How Are We Going To Do That?

We would like all Community Groups to go through the first 4 weeks of Financial Peace University (FPU) together, February 16 - March 15.

To help with that, we have purchased free Ramsey+ FPU accounts for everyone in our church!

The free 1 year subscription to Ramsey+ includes the following:

  • Free Access to the FPU Course Video and Materials

  • Ramsey SmartTax Free Federal Tax Returns

  • Free Access to the EveryDollar Budging App

  • On-Demand Courses

  • Exclusive Access to Ramsey + Live Events on Money, Career, and Family

  • Free Financial Coaching

How Will It Work?

When your group meets, February 16th - March 15th, you can watch the FPU videos and go through the materials with your group.

After you finish the first 4 weeks, you can move on to sermon discussion or discus something else, or you can continue with FPU and finish the last 5 weeks of FPU together.

We'll share more details in the coming weeks and at our Re:Group Kickoff on February 2nd.

Click the button below to access your Free Ramsey+ Account now, and start using it today to enjoy all of the benefits, including the budgeting app.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

Holiday Plans and Group Serving Opportunities

Planning Ahead For The Holidays

We have 1 more week until our Fall Community Group Trimester ends (November 23).

Start thinking now what it will look like to connect before groups begin again in the new year (January 12).

Will your group do a Friendsgiving Dinner, Christmas Party, Serving Project, Men's or Women's night? Something else?

Put a date on the calendar before the Fall Trimester ends, otherwise connecting during break will get lost in the holiday shuffle.

All-Play Group Discussion (February 16 - March 15)

Starting February 16th, we'll be doing a 4-week sermon series teaching our church Biblical principles on money management.

88% of American's have significant struggles with money.

Because this is such a huge issue in our culture, we would like all Community Groups to address this topic during the 4-week series.

We wanted to let you know now as you plan ahead for discussions in the Winter Trimester.

More details to come.

Serve Together This Christmas!

1. Christmas Toy Celebration for Caring Choices!

Come volunteer for a special Christmas celebration for Caring Choices clients!

They will have the opportunity to shop for toys for their children, while enjoying a fun-filled day with their families. While clients shop for free, their children can enjoy pizza, cookies, craft activities, and family photos.

We are looking for volunteers to help set-up, clean-up, shop with parents, run small games, serve food, and do childcare!

We are also seeking donations of wrapping paper and food items for the day of the event! 

Please review the available volunteer slots and needed donations and click the button to sign up. 

  • Date: Saturday, December 7th

  • Time:12:30-2:30 (Please refer to the sign-up sheet for available time slots and donation opportunities)

  • Location: Northridge Church - Brighton Campus, 2090 South Clinton Ave, Rochester, NY 14618

2. MERRY & BRIGHT Baskets for Foster Families!

Build a basket of Christmas cheer to love on foster families in Monroe County! 

This Christmas season, Northridge is partnering with His Ministries to give biological and foster families in Monroe County CPS system “Merry and Bright Pajama Night” Baskets. They would like to offer each family a special snack basket full of holiday treats, snacks, and fun extras they can enjoy during a night out viewing Christmas lights. 

This is a great way to serve together as a family or group!

Email to sign up! 


This year our beyond boxes helped us to understand God's heart for people living in extreme poverty!

We serve a God of ABUNDANCE, who always provides for all of our needs. Savings groups help churches around the world to TAKE ACTION again crushing multidimensional poverty and bring hope to Christians around the world that God has not forgotten their prayers! 

Northridge Church supports savings groups in Malawi and Central America and this year alone 800 FAMILIES were able to join groups through your regular generosity to Northridge. 

We love hearing back from you about your experiences! Please reach out to your coach with questions or feedback!

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

Rethink Childcare For Your Group - 7 Ideas

Children in group are a blessing but also add complexity to healthy group meetings.

We are a family, and one of the joys of doing Community Group is not just adults connecting, but our whole families building friendships together.

If this is a tension for you, consider these 3 tips and 1 of the Childcare options below:

3 Childcare Tips:

1. Assign A Childcare Coordinator

  • Usually this is a parent who’s really organized! It’s not his or her job to do all the childcare, just to keep it organized.

  • The goal is always for the entire group to be sharing the load of caring well for the children.

2. Make House Rules Wherever You Meet

  • Talk with the host(s) regularly about this. If you rotate homes then each new home has a new set of house rules.

  • Some people don’t want children in the bedrooms, while others don’t care.

  • Communicate clearly the expectations to all the children and parents as well as whoever is caring for the kids. 

3. Ensure Safety of Children

  • When sharing childcare among your group, having 2 adults present at all times with kids, ensures accountability and safety for children.

  • Have parents take their own kids to the bathroom and change their own kids diapers, instead of a childcare person.

  • Have childcare take place in a room with windows and that is more public.

7 Childcare Options:

1. Rotate Between Men's, Women's, & All-Together Nights

  • Groups that do a 3 week rotation, only need to provide childcare 1 out of every 3 weeks, on the nights the whole group meets together.

  • On the men's and women's nights, families take care of their own childcare.

  • It’s important you regularly do whole family times (men, women, children) to maintain connection with everyone. 

2. Take Turns Caring For Children

  • Part of being in community is sharing the load of childcare, even for group members with out children.

  • Rotate between 2 men and 2 women from your group.

  • Instead of assigning a couple to do childcare, having 2 men or 2 women, gives those 2 people a chance to connect.

  • Having 2 adults also ensures accountability and safety for the children in that they are not left alone with 1 adult.

3. Hire A Sitter to Watch The Children

  • Often this could be teenagers.

  • It’s important to explain expectations to them and make clear any house rules.

  • EVERYONE should help finance this – even those without kids because we are all making this possible:

  • Group members can Venmo or give a cash donation to help cover expenses

  • If there isn’t enough cash coming in, then bring it up and challenge the group (not just those with children) to do more.

  • If you have more than enough, just keep the extra for future weeks.

4. Ask A Responsible Older Sibling From The Group

  • Everything from option #3 usually applies, though you might pay them less.

  • This can lead to tension if there are problems with their performance but deal with it directly.

  • For safety, it is wise to have 2 responsible sitters in the room with the kids at all times.

5. Take An Offering For Home Baby Sitters

  • If just 1 or 2 families in your small group have children you can decide to make donations each trimester to help them care for the expense of hiring a sitter in their home.

  • It’s unrealistic for most families to absorb the full expense on their own – but in some cases this is a good option as long as you are dealing with just 1 or maybe 2 families. 

6. Have Childcare In A Different Home Nearby

  • This can often be a good option if you can arrange it for children that have trouble leaving their parents alone or if you have a LOT of kids.

  • Give the sitters everyone’s cell numbers or the number for the host home and if there’s a problem Mom or Dad are just a call away!

  • This can really work well with 2 groups that might share a sitting home.

7. Don’t Do Any Childcare

  • If everyone in your group has free childcare available (family, older kids), then these groups can leave their children at home when they meet each week.

  • Some groups don’t do childcare because everyone in the group has children that are older or perhaps the group is made up of single adults without children or young married couples with no children yet.

  • But once children are involved it is important that you make a plan that makes it possible for these people to be involved with your small group. 

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Beyond Box Details for October

This October we are switching things up with a Beyond Box for every group!

This Sunday October 13th, group leaders can pick up their boxes in the lobby at their campus (only one box per group, so coordinate between co-leaders). 

This Beyond Box is all about God’s heart for people in poverty and how the church can come alongside people in poverty. 

Together your Northridge community group will simulate a savings group in East Africa using a one hour video led experience by Hope International. 

Pick a group meeting in the month of October to do the Beyond Box Experience!

Complete the survey at the end to let us know your feedback on the experience!

To get prepared: 

Encourage your group to PARTICIPATE! GET CREATIVE! 

Praying groups have fun and feel more deeply connected to the global church and the work Northridge is doing!

Michelle Gerringer

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

3 Tips For Growth and Engagement

Here are 3 Tips For Growth and Engagement

1. Encourage Serving as a Growth Goal

As our church has grown, we have had so many new people start attending regularly but are yet begin serving. They are consuming but not contributing. Our church won't be healthy until everyone plays their part.

As people set growth goals, ask group members if they are serving anywhere at Northridge? If not, encourage them to take that step.

Growth goals are one of the best ways to challenge and support each other to not just show up to group, but to actually apply God's Word and grow in our faith.

2. Get Full Names and Contact Info for New Guests

Each week groups have new people show up. Each week, many of you share their name in the group attendance notes, but often we are missing information like their last name or contact info.

As we seek to help people not just show up, but engage, having their complete info (first and last name, email, phone) are vital to connecting with them and helping them engage.

As mentioned at Re:Group, this is a huge part of level 1 participation in group - getting people to show up.

Collect contact info from everyone at your first meeting or in prayer time as you share requests each week.

3. Get Everyone To Participate

Our role as leaders is to lead our group members to be contributors not consumers.

Which of the 27 Ideas to Promote Participation are you trying this year in your group?


Giving away these tasks is one of the healthiest things you can do for you and your group members.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

What Do You Need To Do Before Group Next Week?

Hi Group Leaders,

Thank you for joining us at Re:Group last night!

The Fall Group Trimester has arrived. Groups kickoff this Sunday, September 15th, and meet for the next 10 weeks (until November 23rd).

As you make your plans for week 1 of group, here is a quick checklist to ensure a strong start to the groups year.


  • The best way to start off the group trimester is by catching up over a meal.

  • Food makes for an inviting and relaxed atmosphere and natural conversation. 

  • Connect with your group this week to plan what's for dinner.


  • Make sure to connect with your group about details for your first meeting: location, date, time, kids care.

  • Nothing beats a phone call before the first week to reconnect with your attendees and new prospective group members.

  • Maybe you could meet with new group members in the lobby on Sunday so they have a familiar face their first week in group.


  • Download the Volunteer Schedule Template HERE.

  • Instead of asking for people to sign up for shared group responsibilities on the first night, bring a preassigned schedule to your first meeting.

  • Let people know they can connect with you as leaders if there is a schedule conflict or a role they are not comfortable serving in.

  • This is a great way to share leadership by sharing responsibilities for snack, childcare, hosting, and even facilitation. 


  • This Community Group trimester we'll be discussing the following sermon series:

    Mind Field (September 8 - October 13)

  • Description: 

Are your thoughts out of control--just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Do you battle with worry, anxiety, relational tension, depression, lust, self doubt, guilt or shame? Have you tried to think your way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find yourself stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track life? How do you achieve a mindset that leads toward peace? Join us as we explore how God's truth can become your battle plan to win the war in your mind!

  • September 8 - Winning The Battle In Your Mind (Romans 12:2, Philippians 4:6-9)

  • September 15 - Identity (Ephesians 2:1-10)

  • September 22 - Peace In Your Relationships (Romans 12:17-18)

  • September 29 - Navigating the Darkness - Depression (Psalm 13)

  • October 6 - Sexual Thoughts - Lust (Matthew 5:27-30)

  • October 13 - Guilt & Shame (Romans 7 & 8)

    Unsung Heroes (October 20 - November 24)

  • Description: 

We all love a hero story! There is nothing more exciting than good fighting evil, especially when they are true stories. In this series we'll explore some of the lesser known heroes in the Bible and learn the big story of the Bible, as we look at heroes from each of the major time periods of scripture. As we do so, we'll not only better understand Scripture, but be inspired by how God might use us in His story.

  • October 20 - The Hebrew Midwives: Shiphrah and Puah (Exodus 1:15-21)

  • October 27 - Lady Warrior: Deborah (Judges 4)

  • November 3 - A Loyal Friend: Jonathan (1 Samuel 20)

  • November 10 - A Faithful Foreigner: Mordecai (Esther)

  • November 17 - A Grieving Father: Jairus (Luke 8:41-56)

  • November 24 - A Woman of Influence: Pricilla (Romans 16, Acts 18:24-26)

    Discovering Hope Group Experience

  • On October 13th we'll hand out Discovering Hope Experience boxes to every Community Group.

  • These boxes give your Community Group a one hour interactive immersive experience built for groups to better understand global poverty and how the church is stepping in.

  • We would like all Community Groups to use these October 13th or 20th.

  • More details will be coming.

  • Watch a Video Preview HERE

  • Interested in a video study or discussing a book of the Bible?  

  • View Bible Study Curriculum options HERE

  • View Video Curriculum options HERE


  • Make sure your meeting time, location, meeting type (in-person/online), group description, and roster are updated. You can even load a group picture.

  • Access

  • HERE is a short video tutorial on how to make updates to your group.

  • If you need help with this, let your coach know.


  • If you are new to Community Group Leadership and stepping into the role this year, please fill out the Group Leader application found at the link below.


  • All of our preparations will make little difference if God is not in it.

  • Before you finish reading this email, stop and take a moment to ask God to work in the hearts of each person in your group this trimester.

We are praying for and with you this week! 

What thoughts or questions do you have?

Email us or share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.

Important Details for Re:Group Kickoff

Forget to RSVP? Do so HERE.

Here are a few details for our Community Group Leader Kick-off on Sunday night.

We'll be addressing a tension we may all feel a times, "How we lead our group beyond a weekly checkbox to a transformational environment?"

None of us want to waste our time with shallow relationships.

  • How do we move group members from consumers to spiritual contributors?

  • How do we help our group members go from just showing up to "all in"?

We will also be sharing some updates about what God has been up to at Northridge and give you the inside scoop of what's next for our church.

Our large group session with Drew Karschner and our Coaches are designed to answer these questions and more.

Drew Karschner will also be sharing some updates on what God has been up to at Northridge and a vision for where our church is headed this year and the years to come.


We will begin our time together right at 5:00pm at the main auditorium of our ROCHESTER CAMPUS (2052 Saint Paul St. 14621).

We'll share a few details and pray and then enjoy a meal together as we begin our night. Please allow enough time to check-in and drop off your kids, locate your fellow groupies and find a seat by 5:00pm

(See Campus Map Below)


If you are attending the New Leader Breakout, please arrive with enough time to drop off your kids and make it to the breakout by 4:00PM. Our New Leader Breakout will be located in the Conference room behind the lobby fireplace.

(See Campus Map Below).


You can grab a sandwich or salad and a drink in the hallway outside of the auditorium as you head in. You'll find the soups at your table in the auditorium.

Here is our Panera menu:

Pick a sandwich or salad.

You have 4 Sandwich Options: 

  • Turkey

  • Mediterranean Veggie

  • Napa Almond Chicken Salad

  • Bacon Turkey Bravo

You have 5 Salad Options:

  • Caesar Salad

  • Caesar Salad with Chicken

  • Greek Salad

  • Fuji Apple Chicken Salad

  • Seasonal Greens Salad

You'll have 2 soup options at your dinner table:

  • Broccoli Cheddar

  • Chicken Noodle

Allergy/Dietary Restrictions: If you requested something different because of allergy or dietary restrictions, there will be a table with food set aside for you.

Drinks: water, coffee, soda, and tea.

Kids Stuff:

1. CHECK-IN: Check-in your kids (at the check-in station in the kids wing), and drop them off in the locations listed below.  

2. KIDS LOCATIONS: (See Campus Map Below)

  • Babies (ages 0-23 months = Nursery)  

  • Preschool (ages 2-3 = 2’s Room)

  • Preschool (ages 4-5 = 3’s Room)

  • Elementary (ages 6-11 = Gym) 

3. DINNER FOR KIDS: We will provide dinner and snacks

  • Nursery (0-23 months): veggie stix, animal crackers, apple sauce pouches

  • Preschool (Ages 2-5): Salvators pizza, fruit snacks, applesauce pouches, veggie stix, graham crackers, animal crackers, water bottles, juice boxes

  • Elementary (Ages 6-11): Salvators pizza, apple slices, cheese doodles, veggie stix, popcorn, cookies, water bottles, juice boxes

  • If your child needs something different for dietary reasons, please plan accordingly.  

4. KEEP YOUR PHONE HANDY: Just in case the kids volunteers need to contact you if your baby or child needs you for a few minutes.


We'll wrap things up right at 6:30pm.  

We pray that our time together will equip, encourage, and inspire you as you invest your lives in your group members. See you Sunday night!

What's Coming Up For Community Groups?

Hi Group Leaders,

I hope you have been enjoying your summer, had some opportunities to get away and get some rest, and connect with friends and family.

I wanted to share a few updates with you as we prepare for a new season of Community Groups.

Fall Trimester

Our Fall Community Group Trimester is just over 5 weeks away, beginning on Sunday, September 15th.

We'll be meeting for 10 weeks, from September 15th to November 23rd

Group Leader Kickoff

Before our Fall Trimester begins, we'll all meet up together on Sunday night, September 8th, for our Re:Group Leader Kickoff.

At Re:Group we'll be addressing some questions we may wrestle with in leading and being part of a group:

  • Does your Community Group ever just feel like a weekly checkbox that is more draining than life giving?

  • Do your group relationships feel more shallow than transformational?

  • How do we move our group beyond a weekly check box to a life giving community?

  • How do we move group members from consumers to spiritual contributors?

  • How do we help our group members go from just showing up to "all in"?

We'll meet from 5:00pm-6:30pm with dinner, childcare, and a New Leader Breakout (4:00pm-4:45pm) where we’ll answer those questions and more.

Look for the RSVP email next week.

Who in your group can you invite to Re:Group?

If you have potential leaders in your group, inviting them to join you a Re:Group is one of the best ways to inspire them to join you in leadership.

What is Changing For Your Group?

As we begin a new season of Community Groups, we recognize your group may be experiencing changes.

In the weeks ahead we'll be looking to connect new people to Community Groups. In order to help everyone find the right group for them, we want to make sure our current group info is correct on our Group Finder.

Can you let us know of any changes to your group this fall?

  • Leaders

  • Campus Change

  • Night of the Week

  • Time

  • Meeting Format (In-Person or Online)

  • Childcare

  • Stage of Life (Demographics)

  • Address

  • Roster updates (Who needs to be added or removed?)

If your group is experiencing any of those changes, can you let your Coach know? We can help you make those updates to your roster and Group Finder listing.

We are here to walk alongside of you and support you however we can as you seek to grow in Christ and inspire faith in others!

We are looking forward to what God has in store this fall as we Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, and Care for Each Other in Community Groups!

What thoughts or questions do you have?

Email me or share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.

2 Things To Do Before Group Ends

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Community Group year wraps up May 25th.

While the trimester is ending, our need for healthy Biblical Community doesn't.

Here are 2 steps to ensure you set yourself and your group up for future health!

1. Make Summer Plans Now

While you still have the attention of your group, put some dates on the calendar for summer gatherings.

1 simple goal is to do 1 monthly gathering on the same night your group normally meets.

  • For example, the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

  • June 18, July 16, August 20

Send the dates out now, you can decide what you'll do those nights later:

  • Red Wings Game

  • Picnic/BBQ

  • Sea Breeze Day

  • Beach Day

  • Pool Party

  • Back Yard Movie Night

2. Ask Your Group Members For Feedback

Are there changes to your group that would help your group members feel more engaged, or improve their group experience?

How do your group members feel about your group? You won't know unless you ask them.

There are 2 options for this:

End of the Trimester Surveys

3x5 Card Surveys

  • Hand out 3x5 cards and ask all group members 3 things:

  1. Their name.

  2. What they liked about your group.

  3. One suggestion for improving your group.

After collecting the surveys, review them with your co-leaders and make appropriate changes for the fall.

By God's grace, as we change and as our groups change and improve, God may use our group to be a space where we can experience acceptance, belonging, growth, love, and care.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

10 Ideas To Change Up Your Group This Week

Our Spring Community Group Trimester ends in 4 weeks, on May 25th.

It can be easy this time of year to grow a bit weary of the weekly routine and just look forward to the break.

The goal of Community Groups is not meetings, its relationships.

If we are not careful, we turn Community Groups into a meeting to show up to while missing out on the meaningful relationships God has designed us to share.

One of the best ways to get our heads and our hearts refocused, is to change up our weekly routine.

Here are 10 ideas to change up your group this week:

1. Bring extra snacks for more intentional/extended social time.

2. Do a weekly dinner and communion together.

3. Skip sermon discussion and take turns sharing your faith story (1 person, 1 place, 1 event that shaped your faith)

4. Do “Show and Tell” with your group, sharing about 5-10 items.

5. Have everyone in the group answer a list of questions to get to know each other better.

6. Go to the Lilac Festival together (May 10-19)

7. Have a game night.

8. Help a group member in need (moving, yard work, meal cooking night together)

9. Attend a sporting event, play, or concert of a group member or their child.

10. Have one gender watch kids together while the other gender goes out together.

Instead of a typical group meeting, pick one of these ideas, and change up your group this week.

What is 1 idea you can try to engage in a more meaningful way?

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

47 Ideas For Group Prayer Time and Personal Prayers

We surveyed our group leaders and members to learn the best prayer practices for praying in your group, with your group members, and for personal prayer time.

We had 24 ideas for praying with your group and 23 ideas for personal prayer. 

Below is a summary of what we learned. 

What is 1 idea you can use in your group and your own personal prayer time? 

24 Ideas For Group Prayer Time:

  • Who You Pray With:

    1. Split Gender: for more intimate or personal sharing 

    2. Smaller Groups: 2-4 people for more sharing/closer relationships 

    3. Accountability: only 2 people pray together. Ask same 3 questions each week: 

      • 1. How was your week? 

      • 2. What next step are you going to commit to this week?. 

      • 3. How can we hold you accountable/what do you need from us?

  • Sharing Prayer Requests:

    1. 3x5 Cards: Write prayer on 3x5 Card with phone number and name, exchange for check in during week 

      • Sticky Note: use instead of card so you can post it somewhere you’ll see 

    2. Group Texting: Share prayer requests at meeting, follow up through text during week, share results during week for celebration/prayer

      •  Groupme Texting app: Use this app to help you organize group texts 

    3. Email: Emailing prayer requests and updates during week 

    4. Praying Instead of Sharing Requests: Instead of sharing your requests and then praying for them, pray your requests. Then you can spend more time praying instead of talking about prayer.

    5. Write Down Requests: Add prayer requests to notes app or notebook to share or review personally. 

  • Accountability/Followup:

    1. Assign Weekly Partners: Exchange 3x5 cards or pair up another way for weekly check in.

    2. Daily Prayer For Someone Struggling: Assign a different group member each day to pray with and for a group member who is really struggling. 

  • What to Pray:

    1. Praise and Request: 1 thing you are thankful for, 1 request .

    2. Confess Sins and Be Vulnerable: group members will follow the leaders example.

    3. Bring A Prepared List: Bring a list of things to pray for during prayer time.

    4. 3 Topics (Thanks/Growth/Request): 

      • 1 thing you are thankful for

      • 1 area you need to grow (a goal)

      • 1 general request 

    5. 3 Accountability Questions: 

      • 1. How was your week? 

      • 2. What next step are you going to commit to this week?. 

      • 3. How can we hold you accountable/what do you need from us?

    6. If Nothing Personal Is Requested: If people don’t share a personal request we get to pick a prayer request for them and each pray that for them (like a fruit of the Spirit).

  • Format:

    1. Praying Instead of Sharing Requests: Instead of sharing your requests and then praying for them, pray your requests. Then you can spend more time praying instead of talking about prayer.

    2. Before Discussion: Pray before discussion to prioritize enough time to pray so it is not rushed in the end.

    3. Short Prayers: Pray 1 sentence prayers or short prayers to make it safer for those who are new to prayer. 

    4. Ask For Volunteers:

      • This makes it safe for those who are not comfortable praying. Not everyone has to pray, but we can pray for everyone.

    5. Popcorn Prayers: Have everyone pray spontaneously, instead of a circle, to make it safe for those who are uncomfortable with prayer and don’t want to be put on the spot. 

    6. Immediate Prayers: Have a person pray right after each person shares instead of trying to pray for all of the requests at the end. 

    7. Praying For Person On Your Left

    8. Set a Timer: Set a timer for each person to share so everyone gets equal sharing time, this helps when you have some especially long winded people.

23 Ideas for Personal Prayer Time:

  • Time (When):

    1. Continuous Prayer: Prayer throughout the day. Make the resting place of your mind to focus on Jesus between tasks and throughout the day.

    2. Morning: Praying first thing in the morning 

      • Go to bed on time so I can wake up early.

    3. Evening: Praying in evening when more awake 

    4. Multiple Times Daily: Praying same times each day (morning, meals, in car, before bed)

    5. Prayer in Car 

    6. With Other Habits: pair prayer with another daily habit that you do the same time each day. 

    7. The same time each day

  • Strategies:

    1. Praying Out Loud: in my personal prayer time

    2. Use Bible: reading, meditation, memorization to focus your prayers 

    3. Prayer Walks 

    4. Journaling Prayers: Write out your prayers 

    5. Praying With Spouse 

      • before bed 

      • While going for a walk

    6. Praying In a Massage Chair

    7. Give Spirit Control: Ask the Spirit to redirect your mind and heart.

  • Guides:

    1. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

    2. ACTS acrostic: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication 

    3. 1 Scripture Verse: Focus on 1 verse, pray over scripture over people. 

  • Tools:

    1. Prayer Apps:

    2. Worship Music: Use worship music for prayer 

    3. Devotionals: My Utmost for His Highest, The Songs of Jesus

    4. Sticky Note Reminders: on wall/mirror with each group member name.

    5. Digital Reminders: Set reminders/prayer alarm on phone.

    6. Prayer Lists

What is 1 idea you can use in your group and your own personal prayer time? 

Re:Group at Webster & Important Details for Kickoff

Forget to RSVP? Do so HERE.

Here are a few details for our Community Group Leader Kick-off on Sunday night.  

Jason DeGraaff will be teaching about Group Leader Essential #2, Cultivating Relationships, addressing tensions and challenges we face as group leaders:

  • Should we expect to experience deep relationships or genuine friendships in group?

  • Leaders can't be close to everyone in group, so how do we help our group connect?

  • How can we create an environment where each member of our group can be truly known?

Drew Karschner will also be sharing some updates about what God is doing at Northridge and give you the inside scoop of what's next for our church.


We will begin our time together right at 5pm at the main auditorium of our WEBSTER CAMPUS (780 Salt Rd., 14580).

We'll share a few details and pray and then enjoy a meal together as we begin our night. Please allow enough time to check-in and drop off your kids, locate your fellow groupies and find a seat by 5pm. 

(See Campus Map Below)


If you are attending the New Leader Breakout, please arrive with enough time to drop off your kids and make it to the breakout by 4:15PM. Our New Leader Breakout will be located in the Meeting Room across the hall from the auditorium.

(See Campus Map Below).


You can grab a sandwich or salad and a drink in the hallway outside of the auditorium as you head in. You'll find the soups at your table in the auditorium.

Here is our Panera menu:

Pick a sandwich or salad.

You have 4 Sandwich Options: 

  • Turkey

  • Mediterranean Veggie

  • Napa Almond Chicken Salad

  • Bacon Turkey Bravo

You have 5 Salad Options:

  • Caesar Salad

  • Caesar Salad with Chicken

  • Greek Salad

  • Fuji Apple Chicken Salad

  • Seasonal Greens Salad

You'll have 2 soup options at your dinner table:

  • Broccoli Cheddar

  • Chicken Noodle

Allergy/Dietary Restrictions: If you requested something different because of allergy or dietary restrictions, there will be a table with food set aside for you.

Drinks: water, coffee, soda, and tea.

Kids Stuff:

1. CHECK-IN: Check-in your kids (at the check-in station in the kids wing), and drop them off in the locations listed below.  

2. KIDS LOCATIONS: (See Campus Map Below)

  • Babies (ages 0-23 months = Nursery)  

  • Preschool (ages 2-5 = Preschool Room)

  • Elementary (ages 6-11 = Elementary Room) 

3. DINNER FOR KIDS: We will provide dinner and snacks

  • Nursery (0-23 months): veggie stix, animal crackers, apple sauce pouches

  • Preschool (Ages 2-5): Salvators pizza, fruit snacks, applesauce pouches, veggie stix, graham crackers, animal crackers, water bottles, juice boxes

  • Elementary (Ages 6-11): Salvators pizza, apple slices, cheese doodles, veggie stix, popcorn, cookies, water bottles, juice boxes

  • If your child needs something different for dietary reasons, please plan accordingly.  

4. KEEP YOUR PHONE HANDY: Just in case the kids volunteers need to contact you if your baby or child needs you for a few minutes.


We'll wrap things up right at 6:30pm.  

We pray that our time together will equip, encourage, and inspire you as you invest your lives in your group members. See you Sunday night!

6 Things To Prepare For The Winter Group Trimester

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Winter Community Group Trimester begins in just 1 1/2 weeks!

Our Winter Trimester is 11 weeks long (January 14th - March 30th), followed by a 6-week Spring Trimester (April 14th - May 18th).

Here is what you need to do to prepare for a great group launch.

1. Communicate With Your Group Members and Prospects

  • Send an email with the first week details - location, time, meal plans, childcare plans, growth goal's brainstorm.

  • Call or text each group member - checkin in, invite them back, and verify their group plans. Share the load - divvy up group members between leaders and apprentices for followup.

  • Invite prospective Group Members to meet you in the lobby on Sunday - Connect before your first group meeting. They'll be more comfortable and more likely to show up if they have already met you.

2. Decide What You Will Discuss

  • This trimester we'll be discussing the following sermon series:

  • The Ripple Effect (January 7 - February 11)

  • Description:

    • One drop of water spreads a ripple that continues much further than its initial impact. The greatest ripple our world has ever seen began with the message of the gospel. But what is the gospel, and why does it matter? Does it really make a difference in our lives, city, and world? If so, how can we practically spread the gospel to everyone? In this series, we’ll explore the good news of the gospel and learn how we can take that good news to the world.

  • Schedule:

    • January 7 - When Your Faith Is Stale (Romans 6:5-11)

    • January 14 - Does Your Heart Break? (Matthew 9:35-38)

    • January 21 - What Makes Christianity Compelling? (John 13)

    • January 28 - Loving Your Neighbors (Selected Texts)

    • February 4 - Overflow (Psalm 23:5, John 7:37-38)

    • February 11 - Going Public With Your Faith - Open Baptism (Acts 2)

  • Dear God (February 18 - March 24)

  • Description:

    • Talking to God sounds simple, but many of us struggle with prayer. We don't know what to say. We wonder if God hears us. We wonder if our prayers really make a difference. We get bored and distracted. How do I know if I'm doing it right? In this series, we'll explore these questions and look at practical ways we can develop a meaningful and effective pattern of prayer.

  • Schedule:

    • February 18 - My Problems With Prayer (Matthew 26:39-44)

    • February 25 - The Necessity of Prayer (John 15:4-8)

    • March 3 - Teach Me To Pray (Matthew 6:4-13)

    • March 10 - Formed Prayers - Praying Scripture (Selected Texts)

    • March 17 - Specific Prayers - Alone and With Others (Selected Texts)

    • March 24 - Dangerous Prayers (Psalm 139)

  • Interested in a video study or discussing a book of the Bible?

    • View Bible Study Curriculum options HERE.

    • View Video Curriculum options HERE.

3. Plan Your Weekly Schedule

  • Download the Volunteer Schedule Template HERE.

  • Instead of asking for people to sign up for shared group responsibilities on the first night, bring a preassigned schedule to your first meeting.

  • Let people know they can connect with you as leaders if there is a schedule conflict or a role they are not comfortable serving in.

  • This is a great way to share leadership by sharing responsibilities for snack, childcare, hosting, and even facilitation.

4. Brainstorm Growth Goals Ahead of Time

  • Give you and your group members time to brainstorm their own growth goals before you set them. Send a link to these goals in your first email or a text:

  • If you just try to decide a goal on the spot, you may experience less impact.

  • Encourage goals that are specific, have a due date, have a clear plan, and have an accountability partner to encourage follow through.

5. Invite Prospective Leaders to Re:Group on February 4th

  • Do you have apprentice leaders or prospective leaders who you'd like to join you as a Group Leader?

6. Remind Everyone of The Vision For Community Groups

  • Reminding your group members of the purpose of groups should be something you communicate regularly, throughout the trimester and especially at the beginning of each trimester.

  • Remind them of the purpose: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Others.

  • Reminder them of the structure: start and end times, expectations for involvement, prayer time, social connections, childcare plans.

  • Remind them that groups are not just about us and we want to make room for others to join us.

  • These reminders will be included for review in your Week-1 discussion plan on our Group Leaders website.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

Why Do We Feel Lonely At Church?

Staying Spiritually Vibrant

4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader

What Can We Expect From Group?

Video Curriculum Streaming Options

Book Of The Bible Curriculum & Discussion Ideas

3 Things Every Group Should Do To Set Your Group Up For Future Success

As of tomorrow, we only have 2 more weeks until the winter break begins (November 18).

As you wind down your fall trimester, here are 3 things every group should do to set your group up for future success.

1. Next Trimester Plan

What is next for your group?

Do you need new leaders? Are you planning to multiply?

Multiplication/Leadership Plan:

As we talked about at Re:Group in September, if your group plans to multiply, it is vital to talk about it early and often. If you plan to multiply, you'll want to communicate those details to your group the last 2 weeks of group.

  • Who is going to lead?

  • What will the new groups look like?

  • When is the first date of your new group?

Discussion Plan:

What are the spiritual needs of your group? What would be most healthy for your group to discuss together in January?

Our Upcoming Teaching Series:

In January - March our church will be doing a teaching series on saturating our hearts, our church, and our community with the Gospel. We'll be doing an open baptism service on February 11th, and we'll be doing a 6 week series on prayer after that.

If you have questions about multiplication or need ideas of what to discuss with your group, reach out to your coach and review the materials below.

2. Growth Goals Review

Did you set growth goals 7 weeks ago? How are those going?

As you wrap up the trimester, make sure to checkin on everyone's progress.

We can always use another boost, accountability, encouragement, and prayer as we seek to grow in our walk with Christ.

Make sure to discuss this with your group this week in prayer time.

3. Holiday Plans

We have a rather long break between our fall and winter trimester. Almost 2 months. The Winter Trimester begins January 14. That can be a long time to be disconnected from community.

What can your group do to stay connected?

Add a date to your calendar this week for a social:

  • Friendsgiving/Thanksgiving Dinner

  • Football and chili hangout on a Sunday afternoon

  • A Christmas party (gingerbread house decorating, white elephant gift, etc.)

You may also consider setting up prayer partners for the break, that way everyone has at least one person checking in with them regularly until your next meeting.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

When and How To Multiply Your Group

3 Ideas To Help Your Group Grow Relationally and Spiritually

7 Ways To Build Relationships During The Holiday Break

10 Christmas Social and Serving Ideas

Video Curriculum Streaming Options

Book Of The Bible Curriculum & Discussion Ideas

3 Ideas To Help Your Group Grow Spiritually & Relationally

Hi Group Leaders,

We are on the home stretch of the fall Community Group Trimester. 3 more weeks until the winter break begins (November 18).

As you look to make the most of your last 3 weeks, here are 3 ideas to help your group grow spiritually and relationally.

1. Prayer Partners

I've seen several groups, including my own, recently hand out 3x5 cards in the prayer time. Everyone takes a moment to write down their name and prayer requests before sharing them.

Then they exchange their card with another person in the group.

For those who have never prayed out loud, this is a great tool to make it easier to pray. All they have to do is read what their partner wrote.

To make sure that we don't forget to pray during the week, each group member is asked to reach out to their partner at least 1x during the week via text, phone call, or in-person to check on how their partner is doing and pray for them.

They can also put the 3x5 card in a visible place as a daily reminder to pray for them.

2. Acts Plan

As a Church we are teaching through the beginning of the book of Acts. Acts is 28 chapters long.

The book of Acts is perfect 4-week Bible reading plan to do with your group. We have 5 weeks left of the series.

Why not invite your group to do the Bible Project 28-Day Acts Reading Plan in YouVersion?

Each day my group has been reading this together, and sharing our takeaways in the YouVersion app so we can see what we are learning.

3. Celebrate Communion & Meal

This Sunday we are taking a look at what the first church looked like in Acts 2:41-47.

A huge part of the early church was eating in homes together and using bread and juice to celebrate communion.

Either this week, or before the group trimester is out, set up a meal and spend time meditating on the Gospel together through communion.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

1 Easy Way For Your Group To Serve and Connect

Hi Group Leaders,

One of the most frequent comments we get from our end-of-the-year Community Groups survey, is that people wish that they could have more connections together outside of their group meetings.

Well, here is one opportunity for your group to connect together and impact others; an opportunity to be missional with your group.

Our Brighton Campus Launch is just 1 month away, but there is a lot that needs to happen before then.

Would your group be willing to do a Brighton Campus serving project?

If so, reach out to our Brighton NYM Resident Josh Myles to coordinate:

Below is a list of some of the things we are working on and groups may be able to help with, including a meal train for the workers who are doing the finishing touches on the building.

  • Hanging all the TV's and connecting them to Chromecast and Network

  • Vacuuming every room

  • Vacuum brown furniture for the green room

  • Cleaning the gym floor

  • Setup and lint roll all of the auditorium chairs

  • Clean the bathrooms

  • Assemble furniture

  • Assemble cubby units for kids ministry areas

  • Set up tables and chairs in classrooms

  • Go room by room and clean/dust/set things up appropriately

  • Wipe down the kids playland with clorox wipes

  • Move toy bins from closet into appropriate rooms (wipe down bins)

  • Setup cubicles and desks in the office spaces

  • Build the shelves for the cafe prep area and set them in place

  • Check on the gas attached to the stove in the kitchen and make it work

  • Find high top tables for the kids min check ins, connect and gathering room

  • Setup the connect space, t-shirt racks or something for drip to sit on

  • Fully clean kitchen, wipe down everything

  • Wash windows inside and out

  • Stretch fabric on 6 acoustic panels for the auditorium

  • Dust or wipe down the ceiling in the auditorium

  • Inventory cleaning closet 

How Can We Help You?

How are your first few weeks of group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with?

Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

What's Coming Up For Community Groups?

Hi Group Leaders,

I hope you have been enjoying your summer, had some opportunities to get away and get some rest, and connect with friends and family.

I wanted to share a few updates with you as we prepare for a new season of Community Groups.

Fall Trimester

Our Fall Community Group Trimester is just over 6 weeks away, beginning on Sunday, September 17th.

We'll be meeting for 9 weeks, from September 17th to November 18th.

Group Leader Kickoff

Before our Fall Trimester begins, we'll all meet up together on Sunday night, September 10th, for our Re:Group Leader Kickoff.

At Re:Group we'll be addressing a tension we may all feel a times:

  • How do we make space for new people to our group without ruining our group?

Our church is growing, and many people have yet to connect with a group.

While we want to make space for new people to connect in groups, we don't want to make it harder for our current group members to connect.

  • How do we get new people to join our group?

  • What if our group is already too large?

  • What if we don't want to multiply our group into 2 groups?

  • What if we want to start a new group, but don't know how?

  • How do we provide community for everyone, without killing community?

We'll meet from 5:00pm-7:15pm with dinner, childcare, and breakouts all designed to answer those questions and more.

Look for more details soon.

Who in your group can you invite to Re:Group?

If you have potential leaders in your group, inviting them to join you a Re:Group is one of the best ways to inspire them to join you in leadership.

What is Changing For Your Group?

As we begin a new season of Community Groups, we recognize your group may be experiencing changes.

In the weeks ahead we'll be looking to connect new people to Community Groups. In order to help everyone find the right group for them, we want to make sure our current group info is correct on our Group Finder.

Can you let us know of any changes to your group this fall?

  • Leaders

  • Campus Change (New Brighton Group?)

  • Night of the Week

  • Time

  • Meeting Format (In-Person or Online)

  • Childcare

  • Stage of Life (Demographics)

  • Address

  • Roster updates (Who needs to be added or removed?)

If your group is experiencing any of those changes, can you let your Coach know? We can help you make those updates to your roster and Group Finder listing.

We are here to walk alongside of you and support you however we can as you seek to grow in Christ and inspire faith in others!

We are looking forward to what God has in store this fall as we Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, and Care for Each Other in Community Groups!

What thoughts or questions do you have?

Email me or share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.