
Details on All-Play Money Group Discussion for Next Trimester

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Winter Community Group Trimester

  • January 12 - March 15 (9 Weeks)

Re:Group Leader Kickoff

  • February 2, 5:00pm-6:30pm (Dinner & Childcare Provided)

Theme: "Known"

  • How do we get our group members to drop the mask, be honest about who they are, and how they are really doing?

  • We want to lead our groups to be a safe place for people to be known for who they are not for who they project to be.

  • Until we drop the mask, we'll never experience true community.

All-Play FPU Group Discussion

February 16th - March 9th, we'll be doing a 4-week sermon series called "Money Matters."

This is not a giving initiative for Northridge. We are not focusing on raising money for our church.

This series is designed to teach our church Biblical principles on money management.

88% of American's have significant struggles with money.

Because this is such a huge issue in our culture, we would like all Community Groups to address this topic during the 4-week series.

How Are We Going To Do That?

We would like all Community Groups to go through the first 4 weeks of Financial Peace University (FPU) together, February 16 - March 15.

To help with that, we have purchased free Ramsey+ FPU accounts for everyone in our church!

The free 1 year subscription to Ramsey+ includes the following:

  • Free Access to the FPU Course Video and Materials

  • Ramsey SmartTax Free Federal Tax Returns

  • Free Access to the EveryDollar Budging App

  • On-Demand Courses

  • Exclusive Access to Ramsey + Live Events on Money, Career, and Family

  • Free Financial Coaching

How Will It Work?

When your group meets, February 16th - March 15th, you can watch the FPU videos and go through the materials with your group.

After you finish the first 4 weeks, you can move on to sermon discussion or discus something else, or you can continue with FPU and finish the last 5 weeks of FPU together.

We'll share more details in the coming weeks and at our Re:Group Kickoff on February 2nd.

Click the button below to access your Free Ramsey+ Account now, and start using it today to enjoy all of the benefits, including the budgeting app.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

6 Things To Prepare For The Winter Group Trimester

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Winter Community Group Trimester begins in just 1 1/2 weeks!

Our Winter Trimester is 11 weeks long (January 14th - March 30th), followed by a 6-week Spring Trimester (April 14th - May 18th).

Here is what you need to do to prepare for a great group launch.

1. Communicate With Your Group Members and Prospects

  • Send an email with the first week details - location, time, meal plans, childcare plans, growth goal's brainstorm.

  • Call or text each group member - checkin in, invite them back, and verify their group plans. Share the load - divvy up group members between leaders and apprentices for followup.

  • Invite prospective Group Members to meet you in the lobby on Sunday - Connect before your first group meeting. They'll be more comfortable and more likely to show up if they have already met you.

2. Decide What You Will Discuss

  • This trimester we'll be discussing the following sermon series:

  • The Ripple Effect (January 7 - February 11)

  • Description:

    • One drop of water spreads a ripple that continues much further than its initial impact. The greatest ripple our world has ever seen began with the message of the gospel. But what is the gospel, and why does it matter? Does it really make a difference in our lives, city, and world? If so, how can we practically spread the gospel to everyone? In this series, we’ll explore the good news of the gospel and learn how we can take that good news to the world.

  • Schedule:

    • January 7 - When Your Faith Is Stale (Romans 6:5-11)

    • January 14 - Does Your Heart Break? (Matthew 9:35-38)

    • January 21 - What Makes Christianity Compelling? (John 13)

    • January 28 - Loving Your Neighbors (Selected Texts)

    • February 4 - Overflow (Psalm 23:5, John 7:37-38)

    • February 11 - Going Public With Your Faith - Open Baptism (Acts 2)

  • Dear God (February 18 - March 24)

  • Description:

    • Talking to God sounds simple, but many of us struggle with prayer. We don't know what to say. We wonder if God hears us. We wonder if our prayers really make a difference. We get bored and distracted. How do I know if I'm doing it right? In this series, we'll explore these questions and look at practical ways we can develop a meaningful and effective pattern of prayer.

  • Schedule:

    • February 18 - My Problems With Prayer (Matthew 26:39-44)

    • February 25 - The Necessity of Prayer (John 15:4-8)

    • March 3 - Teach Me To Pray (Matthew 6:4-13)

    • March 10 - Formed Prayers - Praying Scripture (Selected Texts)

    • March 17 - Specific Prayers - Alone and With Others (Selected Texts)

    • March 24 - Dangerous Prayers (Psalm 139)

  • Interested in a video study or discussing a book of the Bible?

    • View Bible Study Curriculum options HERE.

    • View Video Curriculum options HERE.

3. Plan Your Weekly Schedule

  • Download the Volunteer Schedule Template HERE.

  • Instead of asking for people to sign up for shared group responsibilities on the first night, bring a preassigned schedule to your first meeting.

  • Let people know they can connect with you as leaders if there is a schedule conflict or a role they are not comfortable serving in.

  • This is a great way to share leadership by sharing responsibilities for snack, childcare, hosting, and even facilitation.

4. Brainstorm Growth Goals Ahead of Time

  • Give you and your group members time to brainstorm their own growth goals before you set them. Send a link to these goals in your first email or a text:

  • If you just try to decide a goal on the spot, you may experience less impact.

  • Encourage goals that are specific, have a due date, have a clear plan, and have an accountability partner to encourage follow through.

5. Invite Prospective Leaders to Re:Group on February 4th

  • Do you have apprentice leaders or prospective leaders who you'd like to join you as a Group Leader?

6. Remind Everyone of The Vision For Community Groups

  • Reminding your group members of the purpose of groups should be something you communicate regularly, throughout the trimester and especially at the beginning of each trimester.

  • Remind them of the purpose: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Others.

  • Reminder them of the structure: start and end times, expectations for involvement, prayer time, social connections, childcare plans.

  • Remind them that groups are not just about us and we want to make room for others to join us.

  • These reminders will be included for review in your Week-1 discussion plan on our Group Leaders website.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

Why Do We Feel Lonely At Church?

Staying Spiritually Vibrant

4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader

What Can We Expect From Group?

Video Curriculum Streaming Options

Book Of The Bible Curriculum & Discussion Ideas

3 Things Every Group Should Do To Set Your Group Up For Future Success

As of tomorrow, we only have 2 more weeks until the winter break begins (November 18).

As you wind down your fall trimester, here are 3 things every group should do to set your group up for future success.

1. Next Trimester Plan

What is next for your group?

Do you need new leaders? Are you planning to multiply?

Multiplication/Leadership Plan:

As we talked about at Re:Group in September, if your group plans to multiply, it is vital to talk about it early and often. If you plan to multiply, you'll want to communicate those details to your group the last 2 weeks of group.

  • Who is going to lead?

  • What will the new groups look like?

  • When is the first date of your new group?

Discussion Plan:

What are the spiritual needs of your group? What would be most healthy for your group to discuss together in January?

Our Upcoming Teaching Series:

In January - March our church will be doing a teaching series on saturating our hearts, our church, and our community with the Gospel. We'll be doing an open baptism service on February 11th, and we'll be doing a 6 week series on prayer after that.

If you have questions about multiplication or need ideas of what to discuss with your group, reach out to your coach and review the materials below.

2. Growth Goals Review

Did you set growth goals 7 weeks ago? How are those going?

As you wrap up the trimester, make sure to checkin on everyone's progress.

We can always use another boost, accountability, encouragement, and prayer as we seek to grow in our walk with Christ.

Make sure to discuss this with your group this week in prayer time.

3. Holiday Plans

We have a rather long break between our fall and winter trimester. Almost 2 months. The Winter Trimester begins January 14. That can be a long time to be disconnected from community.

What can your group do to stay connected?

Add a date to your calendar this week for a social:

  • Friendsgiving/Thanksgiving Dinner

  • Football and chili hangout on a Sunday afternoon

  • A Christmas party (gingerbread house decorating, white elephant gift, etc.)

You may also consider setting up prayer partners for the break, that way everyone has at least one person checking in with them regularly until your next meeting.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

When and How To Multiply Your Group

3 Ideas To Help Your Group Grow Relationally and Spiritually

7 Ways To Build Relationships During The Holiday Break

10 Christmas Social and Serving Ideas

Video Curriculum Streaming Options

Book Of The Bible Curriculum & Discussion Ideas

What's Next For Your Group? - 4 Steps To Finishing Well

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Community Group season is winding down. 4 more weeks of group.

With the end in sight, here are 4 things we can do to finish our group well.

1. Decide Summer Plans

Summer is an amazing opportunity to get outside with your group, do a BBQ, go to a park, grab ice cream, watch an outdoor movie, etc.

If you don't get dates on your calendar before the trimester ends, you are less likely to connect over the summer.

Try to set 1 monthly gathering on the calendar for June, July, and August.

One of the best ways to do this is to just schedule a meeting on the same week of every month, on the night you normally meet for group.

For example, the 3rd Tuesday of every month (6/20, 7/18, 8/15).

Even if you don't have the social activity decided yet, you at least have the date reserved on your calendar.

2. Talk with Future Leaders

One of the best ways to ensure group health and prevent leader burn-out, is to share the load. The more the merrier. Who in your group has leadership potential?

If you haven't broached the conversation with them yet, now is the time. Invite them over for dinner or chat with them on Sunday and drop the idea in their mind.

If you have already talked with them about the role, invite them to help you plan or host a summer social.

If they are not yet members of Northridge, invite them to attend the next Membership Class on May 21st.

3. Invite Feedback

What we don't know, CAN hurt us. We may assume everyone is loving group, or that someone is struggling with group, but we won't know for sure until we ask.

Send out an email or hand out 3x5 cards in one of your upcoming meetings and ask 2 questions:

  1. What do you love most about our group?

  2. What is one idea you have to improve our group?

Ask them now before the group season is over, that will give you time to discuss their feedback together, and make adjustments for the fall.

4. Discuss The Future

  • What is next for your group?

  • Do you need new leaders?

  • Do you need to change up your group night?

  • Do you need to figure out different childcare plans?

  • Do you need to create room for new people?

  • Is the group too large to effectively care for each other?

  • Is now the time to make plans for multiplication?

These can be difficult decisions to make. Don't just wait until August to decide, begin the conversation now.

Not sure what's next, or how to make these changes?

Include your group coach in the conversation. We'd love to help you figure out what is best for you and your group.

4 more weeks until Summer. Let's finish strong!

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

10 Simple Ideas To Connect With Your Group This Summer

The Top 2 Things Group Members Wish Were Different About Your Group

4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader

How To Find and Keep New People

Only Half Of My Group Showed Up Last Night

Northridge Group Leader Podcast

Do This At Your Group This Week

Hi Group Leaders,

This week we begin the final Community Groups trimester of the year.

As we get ready for the last 6 weeks of the group, here are few details you should know to help you finish strong.

Upcoming Sermon Series

Who is This Jesus? (On Location Israel Series)

Most Americans have heard the name of Jesus. Maybe they’ve even heard a few things He said or did. But who is Jesus really? What was He like? Where did He live? What did He really care about? We’ll explore these questions and more while on location in Israel, where Jesus walked and spent His days on earth.

  • 4/16 - Jesus invitation for Nicodemus to believe (John 3)

  • 4/23 - Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (John 11)

  • 4/30 - Jesus cleansing of the temple (John 2:13-17

  • 5/6 - Jesus Transfiguration (Matthew 16-17)

Seven Subtle Sins of Society

What if there were things in our life that we had no idea were destroying us? Like a frog in a kettle who doesn’t know he’s about to be boiled, Christians in the 21st century often fail to notice the pieces of our society that are causing havoc to our souls. In this series, we want to expose accepted, overlooked, and subtle sins of society, so we can avoid their pitfalls and instead follow the path that leads to life. 

  • 5/13 - Comfort (Matthew 16:21-26)

  • 5/20 - Gossip (James 3)

- Spring Trimester Ends -

  • 5/27 - Control (James 4:13-17)

  • 6/4 - Comparison (Luke 18:9-14)

  • 6/11 - Complacency (Amos 6:1-7)

  • 6/18 - Consumerism (Haggai 1:2-8)

  • 6/25 - Gluttony (Philippians 3:18-20)

This Weeks Group Discussion

This week Drew is teaching on the story of Nicodemus from John 3. We see Nicodemus considering faith in Jesus, but not sure if he believes.

This is a great week to ask the people in your group where they are at in their faith journey. If you have people on the front end of faith or considering Christianity, this could be a good opportunity to encourage them to cross the line of faith, and potentially pray to receive Christ right in your prayer time.

If that may be too intimidating, perhaps you could setup a time after your group meeting to grab coffee or a meal with them and talk with them about placing their faith in Christ.

Inconsistent Attendance

I see this every year, after a long Rochester winter, group attendance tends to drop off in the spring. It may be the Sunday holidays, kids sports schedules, or it could be that when the days are longer and warmer, people would rather be outside doing something else.

While you can't make people show up, one of the ways to push against the trend of drifting at the end of the groups year, is to set Growth Goals together as a group.

It doesn't take long when we are disconnected from Christian Community to make decisions we regret or grow distant in our relationship with Christ.

Take some time in group this week to set goals together.

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

How To Find and Keep New People

How Do You Get People To Show Up To Group?

Only Half Of My Group Showed Up Last Night

Why Group Relationships Are Ineffective

5 Reasons We Need Group Relationships In Addition To Our Existing Relationships

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

Northridge Group Leader Podcast

3 Things To Do Before Group Ends and Summer Begins

We have 2 weeks left of our Community Group season. As you wrap up your final few weeks, here are 3 things to do to set your group up for success this summer and fall.

1. Set Summer Growth Goals

Community Groups are about spiritual growth. If we don't set goals for spiritual growth, we are not likely to make progress.

As you review your growth goals from this past semester, make sure to take time to set a goal for this summer:

  • Read a book

  • Memorizing scripture

  • Invite an unbeliever over for a BBQ

  • Replace TV time with reading time or devotions with family or friends

  • Listen to the A Little Better Podcast weekly

  • Etc.

Text each other throughout the summer, or connect for coffee or a bite and ask each other about your progress.

2. Get Feedback From Your Group

Do you know what your group members actually think about your group? Are there things they love or things they are frustrated about that you are unaware of? You won't know until you ask.

In a few weeks we'll be surveying all Group Leaders and Group Members to learn about what we can do better as a church to have a more effective groups ministry. We value your feedback as we seek to improve.

In fact, here are the top 2 things we usually hear from Group Members:

  • I wish my group started and ended on time.

  • I wish my group did more gatherings outside of weekly meetings.

Here is the top thing we usually hear from Group Leaders:

  • I wish people showed up more consistently! (We always survey you at the end of the year when attendance is most spotty, so that is usually at the top of our minds as leaders.)

What do your group members think about your group?

Hand out a 3x5 card the last week of group and ask people to answer two questions:

  1. What do you like most about our group?

  2. What do you wish was different about our group? What would you change?

If people miss that meeting, email them those questions.

That feedback will be invaluable as you seek to create a group environment where people can experience community and grow in their faith.

3. Plan Summer Gatherings

Summer is almost here and groups will be on break. While we encourage you to take advantage of that break to refresh yourself, don't completely disconnect.

If you don't put gatherings on your calendar now, they probably are not going to happen.

A good goal could be to have 1 gathering each month throughout the summer.

Here are some ideas:

What summer gatherings have worked well for your group?

I'd love to hear your ideas so we can pass them along to other leaders! Email me HERE.

How Can We Help?

How are you doing? Is there anything we can help with? Reach out to your coach.

If you haven't had a chance to meet up with your coach about how your group is doing and what's next for your group, we'd love to connect.

Upcoming Community Group Dates

  • Spring Community Group Trimester: April 3 - May 28th (8 Weeks)

  • Red Wings Baseball Game (Group Leader Thank You): Friday, June 3, 7:05pm (RSVP HERE)

Keep up-to-date with what happening in our group ministry on the Group Leader's Website, Facebook Group, and Podcast.

Additional Resources

9 Tips To Finishing Your Group Well

Why Summer Is Dangerous For You And You Group

5 Reasons We Need Group Relationships In Addition To Existing Relationships

Only Half of My Group Showed Up Last Night

8 Simple Steps To Raise Up New Leaders

Community Group Covid-19 Plan - Updated 3/16/20


As the Covid-19 situation continues to develop, we'd like to encourage all groups to meet online instead of in-person. 

As Community Groups Coaches we'd love to help you figure out how to do this well.

Our coaches will be in touch with you, and if you'd like to practice using the technology with us we'll be available.

This is our last official week of the Winter Trimester, March 15-21. After that groups are on a 3-week break until our Spring Trimester begins April 12th.

While this is a planned break, we'd encourage you to stay connected with your group members. You might consider still meeting together online during this break, or staying connected through a group text throughout the week. At a time where we are facing more isolation, this is an opportunity for us to still experience community and encouragement from other Christ followers.

One group text platform many groups have found helpful is GroupMe.

If your group decides you still plan to meet in-person, we would encourage you to use discretion and follow the recommendations of the CDC, including:

  • Washing your hands often

  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

  • Staying home if you're sick

  • Covering coughs and sneezes

  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces

How To Host An Online Group

  • This page covers which technology to use, best practices for an online meeting, what to communicate with your group, and a typical schedule.

Let me or your groups coach know if you have any further questions. 

While this is a time of fear and anxiety for many, we have an opportunity to encourage and offer support to our group members, and remind them of the truths from Sunday's message, that our God not only controls the wind and the waves, but He is in control of any storm we face, and we can put our faith and trust in HIm.

Thanks for loving on and caring for the people in your group!



As Sunday services are moved online you may be asking the question, should I still meet with my Community Group?

Our last official week of the Winter Trimester is March 15-21. After that groups are on a 3-week break until our Spring Trimester begins April 12th.

While large gatherings across the state have been banned, we are still able to meet in smaller gatherings.

We would like to give each group the option to decide if they would prefer to meet in-person or online.

If your group would like to meet online, you can find the details below for how to host an online group, which technology to use, what to communicate to your group, and what the meeting will look like.

If your group decides to meet in-person, we would encourage you to use discretion and follow the recommendations of the CDC, including:

  • Washing your hands often

  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

  • Staying home if you're sick

  • Covering coughs and sneezes

  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces

While we planned to have groups celebrate communion together the last week of the trimester, your group is free to pass on communion or serving food to each other.

How To Host An Online Group

  • This is a page I put together for anyone wanting to host an online group. It covers which technology to use, best practices for an online meeting, what to communicate with your group, and a typical schedule.

Let me or your groups coach know if you have any further questions. 

As the leaders of our church, we have the opportunity to bring hope, encouragement, and trust in God in this time of uncertainty.

Thanks for loving on and caring for the people in your group!


4 Reminders For The End of Group

Hooray, you did it!!! This is the last week of the Community Group season!

As a Group Leader right now you may be thinking, "The group season is over, bummer, we were just beginning to gain traction and connection with our group, I'm sad to see it end."

For others you may be thinking, "This couldn't have come soon enough! I'm exhausted, no one even texts me when they are not showing up to group, and the people in my group are driving me crazy."

Each group has it seasons. And this group season is at its end.

As we wrap up this group year, as Coaches we want to say thanks for your prayers, sacrifice, investment, diligence, love and care for the people God has brought into your group this year.

We also wanted to leave you with a couple last reminders to finish strong:

1. End with a meal. 

It's a great way to cap off the group year.

2. Get Feedback. 

Print and handout End of Trimester feedback forms or just hand out 3x5 cards so you can hear from your group members what adjustments you might consider making for next season.

3. Share your Summer Plans. 

Share which dates you plan to get together as a group this Summer. You don't have to decide what you'll do on those dates yet, just give them the dates.

4. Enjoy the break. 

You deserve it!

See you at the Redwings Game on May 31st!

Additional Resources

4 Ways to Make the Most of The Summer

10 Simple Ideas To Connect With Your Group This Summer

Why Summer Is Dangerous For You And Your Group

What's Next For Your Group?


Contact your Group Coach or search this website. We'd love to be a resource to you!


Jason DeGraaff

Community Groups Pastor

Life is better connected!