
A Leap of Faith (Jairus)

This is the last week of the Fall Trimester.

This is a great opportunity to review your progress on your growth goals, and recommit to them or set a new goal for the holiday break.

Don’t just set goals, but assign partners to help each other follow through while you are on break.

If you have not yet made plans for the holiday break, check out these opportunities to connect and serve together.

Loss, Loyalty, and Friendship

As we discuss a heavy message about pain and loss, make sure to give lots of time for discussing the application questions and for prayer time.

Many people in group will be struggling with pain and loss and difficult relationships and could use encouragement, support, and prayers.

If someone is struggling heavily, this is a great opportunity to apply the message and get together with them outside of group to listen more and be present with them in their pain.

Consider organizing prayer partners for the week and encourage connecting outside of your weekly meeting for prayer and conversation.

Why Does A Loving God Allow Suffering?

This is Week 1 of our 2-week Spring Break from Community Groups.

While your group may not meet, this could be an opportunity to meet up with 1 or 2 people from your group for dinner on the night your group would normally meet.

One-on-one connections provide an opportunity to deepen your friendship and build memories.

Or, you may want to just enjoy the chance to rest and prepare yourself for a strong finish to the Community Group year.

Our Spring Trimester meets for 6 weeks, beginning April 14th.

Find Joy In Suffering

Adam shared several passages on Sunday to read, reflect on and memorize during the week. In addition to discussing the sermon from Sunday, consider doing either of the following with your group:


  • Invite your group members to pick one of the verses below and memorize it this week. Then share with each other next week how God used that verse as you reflected on it.

    • Romans 8:18

    • 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

    • Psalm 46:1

Bible Reading:

  • Consider reading 1 chapter each day of the letter to the Philippians (4 chapters) and then texting your group members about your reflections.

Coming Alongside Others in Their Pain

The focus of this week’s message is to walk alongside others in their pain.

Discussing the sermon is great, but even more important is having your group walk alongside of each other both in your group time and outside of it.

Who in your group can you reach out to this week outside of your meeting time to checkin, listen, and show them you care?

How To Respond To Suffering

One of the most important things we can do as followers of Jesus is to pray for and with each other.

One of the things we love about doing Community Groups at Northridge is that the majority of adults in our church have an opportunity to spend time in prayer together each week.

While a big part of Community Groups is reading the Bible and discussing it together, some weeks like this week may be good to shorten our discussion time and spend more time in prayer.

Focus your attention on the application question in prayer time and then spend an extended time in prayer together.

After each person shares a prayer request or answer to their application question, have one person pray for them. Taking turns sharing and then praying, can help everyone stay focused when our times of prayer are longer.

We would love for everyone in group this week to have someone pray for something they are struggling with.

God's Purpose in Trials

This is the first week of our new sermon series, “When Life Hits Hard.”

Community Group discussions are great, but healthy groups go beyond discussions, they provide care for each other.

Make sure to go beyond sermon discussion and reach out, care for, and pray for your group members this week when they share hardships they are going through.

Set aside some time to pray each morning, or consider having group members choose a prayer partner to connect with during the week.

What Matters Most: Suffering Well

While Community Groups are on break this week, you may want to get together socially.

Another great opportunity to stretch your faith together with your group members would be to attend an upcoming Equip class with them.

The Spring Trimester begins next week, April 3rd.

Pain = Gain

2019.11.24 - Drew Karschner - "Pain = Gain" Suffering is a part of following Jesus that we may not like or know how to handle. We can learn a lot from Paul, who dealt with suffering almost every day of his life. As we examine Paul’s life, we’ll see that he answers two really important questions: - How do we suffer well? - Why is suffering worth it? 2 Corinthians 11-12

The Suffering Church - Smyrna

We'd love for your group to celebrate Communion together this week.

What do you need to do to make this happen?

  • Read the Communion Instructions Document.
  • Give your group members a heads up.
  • Celebrate Communion during the Group prayer time.
    • It may be best if you as a group leader plan to lead communion time, then pray together with the whole group.
    • If you'd like, you could also try doing communion together in your prayer groups.
  • Leave a note in the attendance report that your group celebrated communion.

Do you have questions? Contact your Group Coach HERE.

2017.10.22 - Drew Karschner - "The Suffering Church - Smyrna" No one likes to experience pain. In fact, many of us try to avoid it at all costs. But for the church in Smyrna, pain was a necessary part of living out their faith. They faced great persecution from the Roman empire, yet they stood firm in following Jesus. In Revelation 2 we can learn how to deal with suffering and still be at our best. Revelation 2