Two Lies About Human Identity (Abortion)

This is week 1 of the 11 week Winter Community Group Trimester.

Here are a few important things to consider for week 1:

This weekend (1/15) and next weekend (1/22) we are preaching on 2 sensitive topics (abortion and gender identity).

Some groups may want to dive right into discussing these, while others may choose to skip sermon discussion the next 2 weeks, do a meal, and spend time sharing stories.

Northridge has provided boxes of story cards if you’d like to use those as a tool to get to know each other on a deeper level.

Whether you discuss the sermons or not, we would encourage group leaders to let everyone in prayer time know, you are available to talk and pray with them about any questions or struggles they may have in these areas.

As with the beginning of any new trimester, we would also encourage groups to put together a shared volunteer schedule, set growth goals, and start group with a meal.

Yesterday, Today, Forever

Community Groups are currently on Winter Break. Groups will begin meeting again January 15th.

The goal of Community Groups is not to hold meetings, but to live together in Biblical Community.

So even though your group might break from your weekly rhythms, we encourage you to gather for a holiday social or serving project and stay connected.

How the First Grinch of Christmas Responded to Jesus

Community Groups are currently on Winter Break. Groups will begin meeting again January 15th.

The goal of Community Groups is not to hold meetings, but to live together in Biblical Community.

So even though your group might break from your weekly rhythms, we encourage you to gather for a holiday social or serving project and stay connected.

How The Innkeeper Responded To Jesus

Community Groups are currently on Winter Break. Groups will begin meeting again January 15th.

The goal of Community Groups is not to hold meetings, but to live together in Biblical Community.

So even though your group might break from your weekly rhythms, we encourage you to gather for a holiday social or serving project and stay connected.

How The World Responds To Jesus

This is the third week of the winter Community Group break. Groups will begin meeting again January 15th.

The goal of Community Groups is not to hold meetings, but to live together in Biblical Community.

So even though your group might break from your weekly rhythms, we encourage you to gather for a holiday social or serving project and stay connected.

Is The Bible Still Relevant Today?

This is the second week of the winter Community Group break. Groups will begin meeting again January 15th.

The goal of Community Groups is not to hold meetings, but to live together in Biblical Community.

So even though your group might break from your weekly rhythms, we encourage you to gather for a holiday social or serving project and stay connected.

What Is The Bible About?

This is the first week of the winter Community Group break. Groups will begin meeting again January 15th.

The goal of Community Groups is not to hold meetings, but to live together in Biblical Community.

So even though your group might break from your weekly rhythms, we encourage you to gather for a holiday social or serving project and stay connected.

How To Read and Study the Bible

This is the last week of the Community Group Trimester. Take some time to set a date for a holiday gathering and discuss plans for the new year. The Winter Community Group Trimester kicks off on Sunday, January 15th.

You may also want to take some time to review and set growth goals for the holiday break. The holidays can be one of the most difficult times of the year to maintain spiritual disciplines and avoid temptations.

Group Discussion November 6-12 (Northridge Beyond Partner Hope International - Malawi)

Please Read & Test Playing The Videos Below Before Leading Discussion This Week

This week we are mixing things up in our groups! We will be learning about one of our Northridge Beyond Partners, Hope International, and learning what God is doing in Malawi through savings group ministry. We’ll also discuss how our own groups care for one another like these savings groups.

Discussions are centered around watching and discussing 2 videos, as well as discussing Isaiah 55 and some comments from savings group members in Malawi.

In order to make sure you discussion goes smoothly you’ll want to make sure you test ahead of time how you will play the videos in your group. You can find the videos posted below and in the notes. We have several discussion questions that build off of what you’ll watch in these short videos.

If you have questions, reach out to your Coach.

Video 1 - How Hope International Partners With Churches To Fight Poverty

Video 2 - How to Pray For Hope International Malawi

Want more info on savings groups, how they work, and how they work to share the gospel?

Check out the details below or email Michelle Gerringer.

Hope International is explicitly Christian and Gospel focused:

Hope International partners with local churches in impoverished communities all around the world to train volunteers and church leaders to share the Gospel and administer savings and loans groups. People join a savings group and commit to contribute a set amount each week to a group fund that members can use to take out loans. It's a powerful strategy for equipping people to have access to capital for business ideas that they would otherwise have no opportunity to access.

So if you have a 10 member group, each member might contribute $1 a week, which adds up to $520 a year for the group fund. A member of the group might apply to take a $50 loan to buy a cow for milk and cheese to sell at market. The rest of the group has to vote to approve the loan, then the recipient pays it back over time (sometimes with interest, sometimes not). But this shared savings model is the gold standard for creating businesses and jobs in regions with no banks.

But the financial part is just a small feature. The goal of these groups is to create church-led community and relationships. You can think of their Savings groups as community groups with financial accountability. Every single meeting begins with a time of fellowship (called the Welcome), praise and singing (Worship), and a time of Bible study (the Word), before they get into the savings group part (Work) and announcements and planning (Wrap-up). These are their 5 W's.

The groups are led by local churches, but not every member has to be a Christian to participate. But they still participate in the Bible study and worship time, with the Gospel regularly shared by the facilitating leadership. In some areas, everyone is a Christian this is a great tool for discipleship. In other areas, 20-30% of the members of the groups might be Muslim or other non-Christian, and these groups become an Outreach tool for those local churches. Most people who attend savings groups do not know that Hope International exists, they just know that the pastor of their church is hosting a group that can help them pray, praise, and save together.

Northridge’s donations do NOT go to the loans. The savings groups raise their own money for the loan pot and they decide how to give out loans and for what activity. Our donations provide all the training, curriculum, and leadership that help develop and train all the church leaders to integrate this model into the life of the local church. It's like how we offer Financial Peace University and other equip classes. The end result is that churches have robust community groups that offer financial accountability and help the poorest of the poor steward well their resources.

That's the power of this model! When Hope leaves, they leave behind equipped churches and groups that operate without outside funding. So we are contributing to pastoral training, the equipping of churches, and other things those local churches might need to support their ministry with these groups.

Below are some links that get more into the nitty gritty of the model:

A Church That Loves Life Change


Recommended questions are highlighted in bold, but select 5 or 6 questions you think will work best for your group discussion. You likely won’t have time to discuss all of the questions so choose which questions you will ask ahead of time and make sure to provide plenty of time to focus on the application questions.

Feel free to edit or reword questions to best fit your group.

You may want to print out copies of this document for everyone so they can follow along with the questions as you read them.

Check out this Facilitation Guide for tips on leading good discussions.

A Church That Is Ridiculously Generous


Recommended questions are highlighted in bold, but select 5 or 6 questions you think will work best for your group discussion. You likely won’t have time to discuss all of the questions so choose which questions you will ask ahead of time and make sure to provide plenty of time to focus on the application questions.

Feel free to edit or reword questions to best fit your group.

You may want to print out copies of this document for everyone so they can follow along with the questions as you read them.

Check out this Facilitation Guide for tips on leading good discussions.

A Church That Cares Beyond Its Walls


Recommended questions are highlighted in bold, but select 5 or 6 questions you think will work best for your group discussion. You likely won’t have time to discuss all of the questions so choose which questions you will ask ahead of time and make sure to provide plenty of time to focus on the application questions.

Feel free to edit or reword questions to best fit your group.

You may want to print out copies of this document for everyone so they can follow along with the questions as you read them.

Check out this Facilitation Guide for tips on leading good discussions.

A Church That Is A Work In Progress

This Sunday’s message is all about our own spiritual growth, looking more like Christ.

If your group has yet to set growth goals, or someone in your group missed that opportunity, this is a great week to talk about those goals together as you seek to grow in your faith.

Print out the Growth Goal forms and bring them to your group, then have your group pair up to checkin with each other during the week on your progress.

A Church That Pursues People Far From God

Below are the sermon discussion questions for this week.

If you haven’t met yet, you may want to cover beginning of trimester details with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, growth goal ideas, and an overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. You’ll see some talking points to cover in the discussion guide.

This can be helpful for setting expectations and helping everyone get on the same page.

A Church That Is Unified Despite A Divided Culture

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, growth goal ideas, and an overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

You may also want to just spend this week catching up and discussing your groups plans for this trimester, especially if your group plans will look different than a typical trimester.