Our new Community Group Trimester begins next Sunday, January 14th. Are you ready?
Here are the 9 things you and your co-leaders will want to plan ahead for before your first meeting next week.
1. Plan A Group Meal
The best way to start off the group trimester is by catching up about your holiday break over a meal. Food makes for an inviting and relaxed atmosphere and natural conversation. Connect with your group this week to plan what's for dinner.
2. Connect With Your Group
Make sure to connect with your group about details for your first meeting: location, date, time, kids care. Nothing beats a phone call before the first week to reconnect with your attendees and new prospective group members. Maybe you could meet with new group members in the lobby on Sunday so they have a familiar face their first week in group.
3. Bring A Preassigned Volunteer Schedule
Instead of asking for people to sign up for shared group responsibilities on the first night, bring a preassigned schedule to your first meeting. Let people know they can connect with you as leaders if there is a schedule conflict or a role they are not comfortable serving in. This is a great way to share leadership by sharing responsibilities for snack, childcare, hosting, and even facilitation.
4. Bring Group Agreements
Make sure to review this with your group the first week of each trimester.
You can pick up copies of the Beginning of the Trimester Group Agreement at your campus info center this Sunday, or download and print copies that will be included with the sermon discussion questions this week.
5. Decide What Your Group Plans to Discuss
This Community Group trimester sermon discussion will be focused on our series Come On In and a series teaching through the book of Nehemiah.
Interested in a video study or discussing another book of the Bible? Check out these Bible discussion best practices and curriculum options.
Hear from Group Leaders who tried this in their group.
6. Set your Calendar for Communion in Group
We'd love for all Community Groups to celebrate Communion together during the last 2 weeks of the Community Group trimester (March 4th-17th). You can find Communion Instructions HERE.
7. Update Your Coach on Group Changes
Have you added new leaders or new group members, or do you have group members in transition? Let your group coach know so we can update your group roster and make sure any new co-leaders have an opportunity to fill out the Group Leader Application.
8. Fill Out the Group Leader Application
If you are new to Community Group Leadership and stepping into the role this year, please fill out the Group Leader application found at the link above.
9. Pray For Your Group
All of our preparations will make little difference if God is not in it. Before you finish reading this email, stop and take a moment to ask God to work in the hearts of each person in your group this trimester.
We are praying for and with you this week!
Jason DeGraaff
Community Groups Pastor
Life Is Better Connected